Thursday, November 14, 2013


Dear Diary,

          mmmmmmmm....daaaaaaaa.....pppprrrrrrrrrrrrr....uuuuuuuu......gugugaga......aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. Research researh research........ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!~ 

         Haaa! more PB! hiks! Dah dia tak suke, what to do....da di du.... Owh! I have MACADO! Macado-do-do!!! Who is tht who is tht??? hehehe, later I will story the morry okey and...........theres this newbie in town...hehe!Its been AWHILE since my last post...and you never change a BIT! Hehe, its good to have something that u no need to change like clothes kan!!?? Am I making sense? Owh well, most of the time..........................NOT! ;p

       Im working on my thesis now, just wanna say HELLO and ADIOS later!~

p/s: dah pepagi bute macam nih, tambah pulak dengan sejuk hujan....... RINDU LAA PULAK!!! haih!!~ I wish he knows that I miss tadi die leh cite yg he saw the picture :( huhu! Ouh well....takpelaa as long as I keep my mind straight and think positive (even a bit tiny bitsy itsy jealous) and try my very top on the world best!!~ haip! But kalau tak dapat gak, hanya Allah saje tahu kenape.....